Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Top Budget Vacation Spot Is...Austin, Texas!?

To read about this go to Top Budget Travel Destinations for 2009: The best value hot spots for the New Year. But if people really believe this and many of them go to Austin for fun or a vacation, things won't be very fun due to the crowds (which reminds me of something that Yogi Berra said about a restaurant: "nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded").

This also illustrates what economist Steven Landsburg calls the "Indifference Principle." "Except when people have unusual tastes or unusual talents, all activities must be equally desirable." This applies to Austin or any of the other cities on the list in the article. Once everyone sees Austin as a good deal, they start going there. Only people with unusual tastes will really enjoy it. That is, you will have to like what Austin has to offer alot more than the average person or the crowds will erode your enjoyment. Austin won't be any better than anywhere else for a vacation. Other places will be just as desirable.

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