Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Adam Smith, Marriage Counselor

That is an article from the NY Times. Click here to read it. It is by Jenny Anderson, co-author of the book “Spousonomics,” written with Paula Szuchman (as you can probably guess, I am continuing with the Valentine's theme from Sunday).

They discuss how using incentives and economic theories like loss aversion, game theory and information processing costs can improve your marriage. The two authors answered questions at Freakonomics.

Finally, neuro-economist Paul Zak explains why romance in the workplace is important. Go to The Container Store Cheers Office Romance, Love This Valentine's Day. Here is an excerpt:

"Research has shown that a loving work environment causes the brains of those in it to produce the neurotransmitter oxytocin, which motivates people to care for the people around them, the company says, citing the findings of Paul Zak, founding director of The Center for Neuroeconomics Studies and professor of economics psychology and management at Claremont Graduate University.

In 10 years of research, I have shown that when we are loved and trusted, we in return love and trust others," Zak told WalletPop.

"Love is the foundation for all economic exchange which, at its core, is about serving others. Love creates employee engagement, builds customer loyalty and creates sustainable businesses. Imagine that: the best business practices derive directly from love.""

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