Wednesday, August 31, 2011

William Breit, Trinity University economics professor, has passed away

I only met him once or twice. But alot of people knew about him and many bloggers have expressed their condolences. He began his academic career as a student at San Antonio College in 1950 after graduating from Jefferson High School. He went on to write many books and was well known in the economics profession. Here are some of the blogs that marked his passing:

William Breit has passed away

Bill Breit, RIP

Bill Breit

Here is a great news story about him:

Dr. William Breit Is Selected SAC's Outstanding Former Student for 2005-2006

Breit co-authored some very fun and interesting economics murder mysteries. The one I really liked was Murder at the Margin. This link has more info:

Murder mysteries

Here is a link to info on his other economics books:

His other books economics books

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