Friday, October 09, 2015

Some International Unemployment Rates And Inflation Rates

We've been covering these topics in macro the last couple of weeks. I took data from a couple of OECD websites (links at the end of the post) and consolidated them. Click here to go to the link I created. The first table has unemployment rates for many countries from 2000-14. The second table has inflation rates from 2011-14. For inflation, I put any rates of 6% or higher in red. Generally, inflation rates have been low recently.

Here is an unemployment comparison for recent years between the USA and the European Union. The USA had 6.2% in 2014. The EU had 10.2%.

Year Euro. Union USA
2000 9.0 4.0
2001 8.8 4.7
2002 9.1 5.8
2003 9.2 6.0
2004 9.2 5.5
2005 9.0 5.1
2006 8.2 4.6
2007 7.2 4.6
2008 7.1 5.8
2009 9.0 9.3
2010 9.6 9.6
2011 9.7 8.9
2012 10.5 8.1
2013 10.9 7.4
2014 10.2 6.2

Unemployment data
Inflation data
(to see the numbers click on the "Table" link-then you can click on "Yearly" to see annual data instead of monthly data)

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