Friday, July 08, 2016

The unemployment rate rose to 4.9% in June from 4.7% in May (but other stats show no bad news)

See U.S. Job Growth Roars Back in June: The nation adds 287,000 jobs, the strongest month of hiring since last October, after a disappointing May. From the WSJ.

The percentage of 25-54 year olds employed is 77.8% for June. No change from May. It was 79.7% in December 2007 when the recession started. See Employment-Population Ratio - 25-54 yrs. from the BLS.

The percentage of the population (16 and up) employed is 59.6546% in June and was  59.6286% in May. So that was down slightly. See A-1. Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 years and over, 1981 to date from the BLS

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