Thursday, August 08, 2019

San Antonio, Poverty and Economic Segregation

See Another haunting reminder about economic segregation, San Antonio Express-News editorial. Important issue, but in some ways, San Antonio is similar to the rest of the nation. Excerpt:

"About 20 percent of African American and Hispanic residents live in poverty, compared with 10 percent of Anglos."

But this is very similar to the country as a whole.  The poverty rate for non-Hispanic Whites was 8.7 percent in 2017. For Blacks it was 21.2 percent. For Hispanics was 18.3 percent. So the poverty differences by race in San Antonio are close to those for the whole country. See Income and Poverty in the United States: 2017 from the Census Bureau.

The editorial also says "The median income for African American households is about $36,000, and for Hispanic households it’s about $43,000. By comparison, the median income for Anglo households is more than $64,000, and for Asian households, almost $71,000."

For the whole country, Asian households had the highest median income in 2017 ($81,331). For non-Hispanic Whites it was $68,145. Blacks had $40,258 and Hispanics had $50,486.

So in San Antonio, Whites (Anglos) are $28,000 ahead of Blacks, about the same difference as it is nationally. Whites are $21,000 ahead of Hispanics in San Antonio, while nationally it is an $18,000 difference.

In San Antonio, Asians lead Whites by about $7,000 but nationally that differential is about $13,000.

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