Friday, June 26, 2020

U.S. Marriage Rate Plunges to Lowest Level on Record

Strained finances have Americans forming households without tying the knot

By Janet Adamy of The WSJ. Excerpts:
"The share of Americans getting married has fallen to its lowest level on record, according to government figures released Wednesday that reflect how economic insecurity and changing norms are eroding the institution.

The U.S. marriage rate fell 6% in 2018, with 6.5 new unions formed for every 1,000 people"

"That was the lowest rate since the federal government began keeping data in 1867"

"marriage rates plunged near the start of the Great Depression in the 1930s"

"The marriage rate began a near-steady decline in 1982 that lasted until 2009"

"Many Americans are opting to form households without tying the knot, and strained finances have been a top reason"

"The fallout from Covid-19 is likely to further discourage marriage in the near term since financial insecurity" [is one of] the "matrimonial deterrents"

"A lot of it is the economy" said one expert

There were 10.6 marriages for every 1,000 people in 1982. With 6.5 in 2018, that is a drop of  38.7%. But the economy picked up in 1983 and expanded until 1990. Yet marriage rates kept falling. They kept falling in the boom of the late 90s and in the years before the 2007-09 recession.

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