Friday, May 19, 2023

Who knew life was this easy? (Part 2)

When I click on my browser's icon, the home page sometimes shows articles "Recommended by Pocket." The titles and descriptions of these articles make it seem so easy to solve hard problems. They seem to good to be true. If they were true, it seems like people would all be deliriously happy.

The first post I did on this was in January, 2020. Click here to read Part 1.

Here is a sample:

"5 Ways to Future-Proof Your Career in the Age of AI"
    -What can we do personally to stave off the displacement that may happen as a result of AI?
"Night Owls Can Become Early Birds. Here’s How."
    -Fighting biology is hard. (at least they don't say it is easy)

"How to Heal From Heartbreak"
    -What to read, watch, and do as you move through the emotional and physical pain of heartbreak.

"How to Make Up Your Mind"
    -The science behind decision fatigue and how to overcome it.

"How to Be Grateful"
    -Cultivating gratitude can improve your life, rewire your brain, and influence those around you.             Here’s how to get started. 
"How to Help Kids Work Through Big Feelings"
    -From managing the most epic tantrums to talking through the complicated emotions behind teen             angst.

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