Thursday, October 19, 2023

Life is full of tradeoffs: reaching net zero emissions by 2050 vs. the costs of the transition

See Europeans Love Green Policies—Until the Bill Comes Due: Voters in the region worry about climate change. But they also like their cars by David Luhnow and Bojan Pancevski of The WSJ. Excerpts:

"For years, Europe has been at the forefront of the global drive to curb carbon emissions and slow climate change, pledging to reach net zero emissions by 2050. Overwhelming numbers of Europeans say they like the idea. 

Now, however, a small but growing backlash suggests a more complicated truth: Voters may like the idea more than the reality. As the time draws near to take concrete actions and the costs of the transition become more visible, some members of the public and politicians will get cold feet.  

This week, the U.K. said it would delay a planned ban on the sale of new gasoline-powered cars and vans to 2035 from 2030, and ease plans to force households to scrap their gas-powered boilers for pricier but cleaner heat pumps. It also promised never to impose a carbon tax on meat or aviation, two other sources of emissions."

"Germany, run by a coalition that includes the Green Party, also recently watered down its plans to ban new gas heaters for homes after a backlash from homeowners and opposition politicians."

"in both the U.S. and Europe, voters can become far more wary when climate policy starts to involve painful trade-offs, especially when it comes to homes or cars. France’s yellow vests or gilets jaunes protest movement of 2018-19 began when the government tried to raise taxes on diesel and petrol to aid the country’s transition to green energy. The government quickly backtracked."

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  1. Life is full of tradeoffs: the Green Party loves to be green, but also loves its votes. It can't effect change if it has no power.
