Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Is College Worth It?

Interesting tool created by FREOPP. It allows you to find out your return on investment (ROI) from going to college. You can choose a school and a major and it will tell you your ROI.

FREOPP is "A non-profit, non-partisan think tank that conducts original research on expanding economic opportunity to those who least have it."

For example, at The University of Texas at Austin, if you major in Petroleum Engineering and graduate on time, your ROI is $2.6 million over your lifetime of work.

If you major in math it is $763,000.

If you major in anthropology it is $36,000. 

See also 33 of the Highest-Paying Majors You Can Choose in College (2022). 

The last two items in the list below suggest that simply finishing college has value in terms of signalling to employers what your traits are and in developing cognitive endurance.

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More related posts:

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Does It Pay To Go To College? (2009)

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Is College Still A Good Investment? (2012)

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The Diminishing Returns of a College Degree (2017) 

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