Monday, June 13, 2022

Want a Promotion? Try to Not Be So Remote.

See Think Working From Home Won’t Hurt Your Career? Don’t Be So Sure: Many companies are letting employees stay home some or all of the time, but workers who frequent the office might get ahead by Callum Borchers of The WSJ. 

This ties in with a post last week about an interview The WSJ did with economist Edward Glaeser (see related posts listed below).


"A 2020 study of more than 400 tech workers by researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Northeastern University found that while remote and non-remote workers won roughly the same number of promotions, the salaries of remote workers grew more slowly. At companies where remote work was less common, telecommuters won fewer promotions." 

Related posts:

Can America’s Cities Make a Post-Pandemic Comeback? (interview with Glaeser)

Companies Start to Think Remote Work Isn’t So Great After All

Since people feel more disorganized and chaotic when they are at home, should business leaders take this into account when they consider whether to make remote working the norm after the pandemic subsides?

Remote work is surprisingly productive (for now, but what about in the long-run?)  

Does a Raise or Remote Work Sound Better?  

With No Commute, Americans Simply Worked More During Coronavirus  

Work Flexibility, Popular With Employees, Is Hardly a Holy Grail  

Remote Work Is the New Signing Bonus

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