Thursday, December 08, 2022

Real estate agents on YouTube have called San Antonio the 'worst city in the U.S.' (Acase of the Indifference Principle?)

By Timothy Fanning, San Antonio Express-News. Excerpts:

"Churning out content that speaks to the perils of living in the Alamo City, real estate agents on YouTube have in recent years uploaded videos with titles such as “10 Reasons Why NOT to MOVE to San Antonio” and “Top 10 Reasons Why SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS is the WORST city in the US!”

Real estate agents and other content creators on YouTube provide snarky takes on the Alamo City and its neighboring cities, offering a "true view" of what it's like to live there. 

San Antonio's crime rate, snakes and other critters, the robust menu of airborne allergens, and San Antonio’s drivers and traffic are among the most frequent targets. Others have taken aim at San Antonio’s air quality and the area's limestone quarries, warning of noise and dangerous health impacts."

In 2017 I did a post on how San Antonio was one of the best places (see related posts links below). Maybe things have gone down hill in the last 5 years.

The economist Steven Landsburg gave this definition for the "Indifference Principle." "Except when people have unusual tastes or unusual talents, all activities must be equally desirable"  (from his book "The Armchair Economist").

We could also say that all places to live will be equally desirable. If a city has a high quality of life, then more people want to move there. But that raises prices (like housing, for instance). Then it costs more to get those extra benefits from the quality of life. As more people move there, prices keep rising and eventually all the extra benefits are completely offset by the higher cost of living).

It would work in reverse. If a city is really bad, then some people leave and then congestion and prices fall so that it is not so bad anymore.

Related posts:

The Indifference Principle Comes To San Antonio (2021)

San Antonio cracks top 25 on U.S. News and World Report's "Best Places to Live" (2017)

What Is Is the Richest City in America? (2015)

North Dakota Is Number One!  (2011)

Can Some Places Really Be The "Best" Places To Retire To?  (2011)

The Top Budget Vacation Spot Is...Austin, Texas!? (2009)

There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (Or A Free Concert)

America's Most Affordable Places to Retire  (2008)

The 10 Most Affordable Housing Markets (2008)

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