Friday, September 08, 2023

The $900,000 AI Job Is Here

Salaries rise as employers such as Netflix and Walmart seek candidates with artificial-intelligence skills

By Chip Cutter of The WSJ. Excerpts:

"American companies are in the midst of an AI recruiting frenzy, and some are willing to pay salaries approaching seven figures to hire top talent. 

Firms in industries such as entertainment and manufacturing are racing to seize on the potential of artificial intelligence by wooing data scientists, machine-learning specialists and other practitioners skilled at deploying the technology.

The rush to hire is pushing up pay for technical professionals and prompting companies to hone their pitches to applicants to avoid losing out to rivals. Some companies, including

, are building their AI expertise through individual hires and internal training programs. Others, including the technology company ServiceNow, say they are open to acquiring smaller AI startups as a way to scoop up talent.

Compensation is a battleground. Aware that in-demand AI specialists can command several job offers, many companies are dangling salaries in the mid-six figures along with bonuses and stock grants to attract experienced workers, recruiters say." 

Yes, machines like computers might destroy jobs but they can also create new ones like AI specialists. This is all part of "Creative Destruction," the constant change in the economy. New jobs are created while old ones are destroyed. In 1900, 40% of U.S. workers toiled in agriculture; today, that figure is less than 2%.

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