Remarks prepared by me for the first HERO'S JOURNEY ENTREPRENEURSHIP FESTIVAL, March 31st, 2007 at Pepperdine University
Given that
business is not always seen in a positive light in our society, it might seem
like too much to call entrepreneurs heroes since we usually reserve that honor
for people like doctors, nurses, fire fighters, soldiers, teachers, etc. But it
is not just me (see references) or Elliot McGucken (organizer of the HERO'S
JOURNEY ENTREPRENEURSHIP FESTIVAL). Others have said so, people who know what
they are talking about. I will briefly describe how I got into this research,
summarize what I found and then describe the views of some other scholars.
stimulus for my research came when reading a discussion of how entrepreneurs
discover opportunities for economic profit by economist Israel Kirzner. This
was part of the required reading for a seminar I attended in 1989 put on by the
classically liberal “Institute for Humane Studies.” Economic profit implies
making an above average rate of return in your business. Since everyone wants
to do so, finding the new business or technology that allows this is not easy.
But Kirzner said that discovering these opportunities came from something like
“leading a life of purposeful action.” That is not the kind of thing I heard in
my Ph. D. training in economics, but it did remind me of what the mythologist
Joseph Campbell, and author of The Hero With a Thousand Faces, advised
people to do: follow your bliss or do what really excites you, what makes you
feel like you are achieving some kind of personal destiny. What could be more
purposeful than that?
1991 I began working on this seriously. In addition to the bliss connection
mentioned above, I think I found two other important parallels. The first
involves what Campbell calls the “monomyth”:
“The standard path of the
mythological adventure of the hero is a magnification of the formula
represented in the rites of passage: separation-initiation-return, which might
be named the nuclear unit of the monomyth. A hero ventures forth from the world
of common day into a region of supernatural wonder; fabulous forces are there
encountered and a decisive victory is won; the hero comes back from this
mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man."
How is the
hero's adventure similar to the entrepreneur's adventure? The hero's journey
begins with a call to adventure. He or she is awakened by some herald which
touches his or her unconscious world and creative destiny. The entrepreneur,
too, is "called" to the adventure. By chance, he or is discovers a
previously unknown product or way to make a profit. The lucky discovery cannot
be planned and is itself the herald of the adventure. The entrepreneur must
step out of the ordinary way of producing and into his or her imagination about
the way things could be to discover the previously undreamt of technique or
product. The "fabulous forces" might be applying the assembly line
technique or interchangeable parts to producing automobiles or building
microcomputers in a garage. The mysterious adventure is the time spent
tinkering in research and development. But once those techniques are discovered
or developed, the entrepreneur now has the power to bestow this boon on the
rest of humankind. So a second parallel is that both the hero and the
entrepreneur go through the separation-initiation-return.
The third
important similarity I found is where Campbell refers to the constant change in
the universe as "The Cosmogonic Cycle" which "unrolls the great
vision of the creation and destruction of the world which is vouchsafed as
revelation to the successful hero." This is similar to Joseph Schumpeter's
theory of entrepreneurship called “creative destruction.” A successful
entrepreneur simultaneously destroys and creates a new world, or at least a new
way of life. Henry Ford, for example, destroyed the horse and buggy age while
creating the age of the automobile.
My article “The
Calling of the Entrepreneur” was published in the November/December 1992 issue
of a business bulletin called The New Leaders. A longer version was
presented at the annual meetings of the Western Economic Association, July
1992. I also went on to publish three other articles in academic journals
relating economics to mythology (see references).
So who else
believes this? Let’s start with Candace Allen and Dwight Lee. Allen has won
national, state and local recognition as a teacher in Pueblo, Colorado. Her
numerous awards include the 1993 National Milken Award for innovative
approaches to education and total quality management in the classroom, and
second place in the 1995 Foundation for Teaching Economics National Prize for
Excellence in Economics Education competition. Lee is the Ramsey Chair of
Private Enterprise at the University of Georgia. He has written numerous
scholarly articles and books. Their 1996 Journal of Private Enterprise
article called “The Entrepreneur as Hero” won the best paper award
Perhaps the main
point of their article was: “Just as the society that doesn't venerate winners
of races will produce fewer champion runners than the society that does, the
society that does not honor entrepreneurial accomplishment will find fewer
people of ability engaged in wealth creation than the society that does.” So it
is dangerous and costly to say that entrepreneurs are not heroes. Ms. Allen was
also invited to give a speech on this at the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas. In
that speech, she used Joseph Campbell to make the comparison (something she and
Lee did not do in the Journal of Private Enterprise article). Her speech
was published in Economic Insights (from the Dallas FED). It was then
reprinted in both the Independent Review and The Freeman.
Next we move to
Narayana N. R. Murthy, Chairman and CEO of Infosys Technologies. His
commencement address to The Wharton graduating MBA class of 2001 was called
“Reflections of an entrepreneur.” He closed his remarks with
“Some of you might remember an
acclaimed series of interviews that the highly talented Bill Moyers had done on
PBS with Joseph Campbell, the great American mythologist and folklorist, some
years ago. Deep into a profound discussion about life, Bill Moyers leans over
and asks Joseph Campbell, “Joe, I am sure you have thought about this question.
Why are we here on this earth? What is the path for one to follow?” Joseph
Campbell smiled gently and said, “Yes, I have thought about it and the only
answer I have found is this. Follow your bliss. All else will follow.” So, my
young friends, I urge you: Choose a worthy dream for yourself. Go after it
confidently. Create a life that your great alma mater will be proud of in the
years to come. But always, without fail, ensure that you are following your
Now James
Kouzes, author of The Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things
Done in Organizations. He has served as director of the Executive
Development Center of the University of Santa Clara. He's also an executive
fellow, Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Leavey School of Business,
Santa Clara University. Here is what he told Jeffrey Mishlove on the “Thinking
Allowed” TV program:
struck me when Campbell was describing the universal myth, the vision quest. It
begins with some sense of dissatisfaction, some sense that there's an
opportunity out there -- I'm not quite certain what it is, but I feel some
internal struggle about that. And then it leads one to set off on some kind of
journey to find that. And typically they meet some mentor, or some experience
happens where they learn some new lessons, and they become more and more aware
of their own inner strength. That typically is the story of the people that we
interviewed, and that typically, I think, is the story of the new mythical hero
in the world today -- at least one of the new ones, the entrepreneur, the
business person who is dissatisfied with large corporations and wants to set
off and start up a new venture outside of the mainstream. I think there's a
perfect connection between what Campbell is saying about mythology and what we
and others are discovering about leadership.”
up is Jerry Osteryoung, Executive Director of the Jim Moran Institute for
Global Entrepreneurship in the College of Business at Florida State University
and the Director of the Entrepreneurship Program. Additionally, he is the Jim
Moran Professor of Entrepreneurship and Professor of Finance and has written
eight books. . Over the last ten years, he has directly assisted over 3000
entrepreneurs. Additionally, he has written a weekly article on
entrepreneurship for the Tallahassee Democrat. His May 6, 2005 blog
entry was titled “Follow Your Bliss.” It opens with a quote from Campbell about
following your bliss and Osteryoung later writes: “Clearly, if you have a
passion, it so important to follow it. If you are an entrepreneur just to make
money (I do not know any entrepreneurs who are in it just for the money), you
are just not going to be successful. I think success is related more to the
passion of the entrepreneur than to anything else. It is so hard to sustain
yourself if you do not have a certain passion to keep you going.”
about an economist? Walter Williams, actually. He is the John M. Olin
Distinguished Professor of Economics George Mason University. A speech he made
at Hillsdale College in March 2005 was called “The Entrepreneur As American
Hero.” The most telling line in his speech was “For the most part, in a free
society, people who are wealthy have become so through effectively serving
their fellow man.” That is the only way to make a profit. Although he does not
get into mythology or quote Joseph Campbell, he asserts that most of the
material progress of the 20th century comes from entrepreneurs.
is not just an American phenomenon. For an international perspective, we can
turn to Johan Norberg, the author of several books on human rights, economic
freedom and the history of liberalism. His book In Defense of Global
Capitalism (Cato, 2003) received the goldmedal from the German Hayek
Foundation and the Anthony Fisher Memorial Award from the Atlas Foundation.
Norberg is a senior fellow at the Centre for the New Europe. He made a speech
at the CATO Institute called “Entrepreneurs Are the Heroes of the World.” Here
is part of what he said:
“There is a classic work by
Joseph Campbell, a book on cultural history called The Hero with a Thousand
Faces, about heroes in different cultures. Because Campbell traveled the
world by reading books from other continents, he could see that there are
heroes in all cultures, in all books, in all eras. We need heroes, because they
say something about what our values are, what is good, what is great, what is
bad, what we should strive for, and what we should try to avoid. He saw a
common pattern. He thought that in most cultures and in most eras the same
kinds of things are seen as heroic. Something big happens, and our hero is
forced to go on a journey to fight hostile enemies against all odds with a lack
of knowledge of what to do and when and how. But along the way he makes some
friends who help him along and give him the knowledge and the inspiration to do
what is right. Think about that heroic journey once again, and think of the
persons I just talked about—people like you, thinkers, innovators, entrepreneurs.
What makes it possible for us to buy equipment and goods from the other side of
the world? Entrepreneurs face ancient traditions, political obstacles, taxes,
and regulations, but they also have friends—people with access to capital, to
knowledge, to other businesses. If they are lucky, entrepreneurs succeed. If
not, they learn something new, make it even better the next time, and bring to
the community something new that changes lives forever. That is the heroic
epic. The entrepreneur is the hero of our world.”
with the international theme, in 2006 Campbell also came up at the Rueschlikon
Conference on Information Policy. The title of the conference report was Innovative
Entrepreneurship and Public Policy: Hero with a Thousand Faces. It opens
with a quote from Campbell “Where you stumble, there your treasure lies.” One
passage from the report reads:
“[One] way tacit knowledge is
communicated is through narrative and myth: the timeless lessons of literature
and art. (So too, when the Rueschlikon organizers wanted to document the
discussions, they turned to a professional storyteller – a journalist – to
write the report.) Indeed, the title of this year’s report and introductory
aphorism tries to implicitly draw this connection by borrowing the title from a
book by Joseph Campbell, a scholar of mythology.” (p. 52)
The author of this report was
Kenneth Cukier, a technology correspondent for The Economist.1
Getting back a
little closer to home, the January 21, 2007 edition of the San Francisco
Chronicle quoted James Currier, the founder of the internet company Tickle2
saying "Starting a business is an adventure. It can build your character
as you build the business in that Joseph Campbell 'The Hero With a Thousand
Faces' kind of way."
a Nobel Prize winner in economics hints at the heroic nature of
entrepreneurship. Writing in The Wall Street Journal in October of 2006,
he said, using what he called an Aristotelian perspective on the
"development of talents":
“In an economy in which
entrepreneurs are forbidden to pursue their self-realization, they have the
bottom scores in self-realization--no matter if they take paying jobs
instead--and that counts whether or not they were born the "least
advantaged." So even if their activities did come at the expense of the
lowest-paid workers, Rawlsian justice in this extended sense requires that
entrepreneurs be accorded enough opportunity to raise their self-realization
score up to the level of the lowest-paid workers--and higher, of course, if
workers are not damaged by support for entrepreneurship. In this case, too,
then, the introduction of entrepreneurial dynamism serves to raise Rawls's
bottom scores.” (the philosopher John Rawls, as you know, argued that justice meant
maximizing the welfare of the least well off in society)
“It would be a non sequitur to
give up on private entrepreneurs and financiers as the wellspring of dynamism
merely because the fruits of their dynamism would likely be less than they
could be in a less imperfect system. I conclude that capitalism is justified--normally
by the expectable benefits to the lowest-paid workers but, failing that, by the
injustice of depriving entrepreneurial types (as well as other creative people)
of opportunities for their self-expression.”
It is not too
big a stretch, I believe, to see the quest for self-realization and
self-expression (the way Phelps presents it) as equivalent to following your
There is one
more expert to here from. We will listen to an interview with this author where
he and the host discuss creativity (the transcript of this in the appendix).
The conversation was between Joseph Campbell Michael Toms, host of the New
Dimensions Radio Program. Campbell called the entrepreneur the “real hero” in
our society.
Joseph Campbell on Entrepreneurship
Tape #1901: "Call of the Hero" with Joseph Campbell interviewed by Michael Toms New Dimensions Foundation audio tape from a live interview on San Francisco's radio station KQED
The following exchange was part of a discussion of the question of: What is creativity?
Toms: In a sense it's the going for, the jumping over the edge and moving into the adventure that really catalyzes the creativity, isn't it?
Campbell: I would say so, you don't have creativity otherwise.
Toms: Otherwise there's no fire, you're just following somebody else's rules.
Campbell: Well, my wife is a dancer. She has had dance companies for many, many years. I don't know whether I should talk about this. But when the young people are really adventuring, it's amazing what guts they have and what meager lives they can be living, and yet the richness of the action in the studio. Then, you are going to have a concert season. They all have to join a union. And as soon as they join a union, their character changes. (emphasis added, but Campbell changed the tone of his voice) There are rules of how many hours a day you can rehearse. There are certain rules of how many weeks of rehearsal you can have. They bring this down like a sledge hammer on the whole thing. There are two mentalities. There's the mentality of security, of money. And there's the mentality of open risk.
Toms: In other societies we can look and see that there are those that honor elders. In our society it seems much like the elders are part of the main stream and there is a continual kind of wanting to turn away from what the elders have to say, the way it is, the way to do it. The union example is a typical one, where the authority, institution, namely the union comes in and says this is the way it's done. And then one has to fall into line or one has to find something else to do.
Campbell: That's right.
Toms: And it's like treating this dichotomy between elders and the sons and daughters of the elders. How do you see that in relationship to other cultures?
Campbell: This comes to the conflict of the art, the creative art and economic security. I don't think I have seen it in other cultures. The artist doesn't have to buck against quite the odds that he has to buck against today.
Toms: The artist is honored in other cultures.
Campbell: He is honored and quickly honored. But you might hit it off, something that really strikes the need and requirements of the day. Then you've given your gift early. But basically it is a real risk. I think that is so in any adventure, even in business, the man who has the idea of a new kind of gift (emphasis added) to society and he is willing to risk it (this is exactly what George Gilder says in chapter three, "The Returns of Giving" in his book Wealth and Poverty). Then the workers come in and claim they are the ones that did it. Then he (the entrepreneur) can't afford to perform his performance. It's a grotesque conflict, I think between the security and the creativity ideas. The entrepreneur is a creator, he's running a risk.
Toms: Maybe in American capitalistic society the entrepreneur is the creative hero in some sense.
Campbell: Oh, I think he is, I mean the real one. Most people go into economic activities not for risk but for security. You see what I mean. And the elder psychology tends to take over.
This discussion ended and after a short break a new topic was discussed.
End Notes
1. Kenneth Neil Cukier covers technology and telecoms for
The Economist in London. Earlier, his work focused on the international
politics of technology, particularly intellectual property and Internet
governance. Previously, he was the technology editor of The Asian Wall Street
Journal in Hong Kong and a regular commentator on CNBC Asia; before that he was
the European Editor of Red Herring. From 1992 to 1996 he worked at The
International Herald Tribune in Paris. From 2002 to 2004 Mr. Cukier was a research
fellow at the National Center for Digital Government at Harvard University's
John F. Kennedy School of Government, where he worked on a book about the
Internet and international relations. His work has also appeared in The New
York Times, The Washington Post, Prospect, The Financial Times and Foreign
Affairs, among others. He has been a frequent commentator on business and
technology matters for CBS, CNN, NPR and the BBC and others. Mr. Cukier is a
term-member at the Council on Foreign Relations. Additionally, he serves on the
board of advisors to the Daniel Pearl Foundation. (from
2. Tickle is the leading interpersonal media company,
providing self-discovery, and social networking services to more than 14
million active members in its community worldwide. Formerly known as,
Tickle was founded on the belief that personal insight and connections to
others could be both scientific and fun. Tickle was founded in 1999 as by James Currier, who developed an early passion for Internet
technology, new media and social sciences. Currier envisioned how the Internet
could be used to help people learn more about themselves and better connect
with others in a mutually beneficial environment based on trust and respect.
Today, the company employs more than 50 people and is headquartered in San
Francisco, CA. (from
Campbell, Joseph. 1968. The Hero with a Thousand Faces.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Campbell, Joseph. 1988. The Power of Myth. New York:
Cukier, Kenneth. 2006 Innovative Entrepreneurship and
Public Policy: Hero with a Thousand Faces A Report of the 2006 Rueschlikon
Conference on Information Policy. (
Guynn, Jessica. 2007. “DOT-COM
ON THE CHEAP,” The San Francisco Chronicle, page A-1, January 21, 2007 (
Kirzner, Israel. M. 1979. Perception, Opportunity, and
Profit. The University of Chicago Press.
Lee, Dwight R. and Candace Allen Smith. 1997. “The Entrepreneur on the Heroic Journey,” The
Freeman, Vol. 47 No. 4 (April), at (reprinted in The Independent Review
Morong, Cyril. 1992. "The Calling of the
Entrepreneur." The New Leaders: The Business Bulletin for
Transformative Leadership, November/December.
Morong, Cyril. 1994. "Mythology, Joseph Campbell, and
the Socioeconomic Conflict,” The Journal of Socio-Economics, Volume 23,
Morong, Cyril. 1996. "Economists, Parsifal, and the
Search for the Holy Grail," Journal of Economic Issues, December.
Murthy, Narayana. 2001. “Reflections of an entrepreneur.”
Commencement address given to Wharton graduating MBA class of 2001. (
New Dimensions. San Francisco: 1991. The Call of The Hero.
Audio Tape # 1901. New Dimensions Foundation.
Norberg, Johan. “Entrepreneurs Are the Heroes of the World,”
Cato’s Letter: A Quarterly Message on Liberty, Winter 2007, Volume 5,
Number 1.
Osteryoung, Jerry. 2005. “Follow Your Bliss,” May 6, 2005
blog entry (
Phelps, Edmund S. 2006. “Dynamic Capitalism,” page A14, The
Wall Street Journal, October 10, 2006
Schumpeter, Joseph. 1962.
Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. New York: Harper and Row.
Smith, Candace Allen. 1997. “The Entrepreneur as Hero.” Economic
Insights, Volume 2, Number 1, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Williams, Walter E. 2005. Imprimis (March
issue) published by Hillsdale College.