Saturday, August 17, 2024

Partisanship deeply colors how Americans think about trade policy, especially tariffs.

See Poll: 63% of Americans Want to Increase Trade with Other Nations, 75% Worry Tariffs Are Raising Consumer Prices by Emily Ekins of The Cato Institute. Excerpt:

"Partisanship deeply colors how Americans think about trade policy, especially tariffs. In a hypothetical, 61% of both Democrats and Republicans supported adding tariffs to TVs imported into the United States to “boost production of the American TV industry.” However, in an experiment in which half of the survey respondents were told that Donald Trump imposed these tariffs, 65% of Democrats said they would oppose the tariffs, while 70% of those who identified as Republicans said they would support them. On the other hand, if told that Joe Biden imposed these tariffs, then 57 percent of Democrats would support the tariffs—a 22-point swing relative to the scenario where Trump imposed them. Meanwhile, Republican support declined by 19 points (51%) relative to the scenario where Trump imposed the tariffs."

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See also Americans start caring more about deficits and the national debt when the party they oppose runs them up by John V. Kane of New York University and Ian G. Anson of The University of Maryland. Excerpt:

"In the past two decades, US budget deficits have skyrocketed, and the national debt is now over $22 trillion. But do Americans care about the size of deficits and the national debt? In new research, John V. Kane and Ian G. Anson find that people tend to care more about the deficits and debts when they are increased by presidents from the party that they oppose. Both Republicans and Democrats, they write, become less concerned about governments running deficits when their President is in charge."

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